Pivotal Tracker

You can import tasks from your Pivotal Tracker account using the pivotaltracker service name.

Example Service

Here’s an example of a Pivotal Tracker target:

service = pivotaltracker
pivotaltracker.user_id = 123456
pivotaltracker.account_ids = 123456
pivotaltracker.token = <your account API token>
service = "pivotaltracker"
user_id = 123456
account_ids = ["123456"]
token = "<your account API token>"

The above example is the minimum required to import stories from Pivotal Tracker. You can also feel free to use any of the configuration options described in Common Service Configuration Options or described in Service Features below.


Your Pivotal Tracker user account.

You can get your user_id by going to https://www.pivotaltracker.com/services/v5/me. It’s the id field in the JSON response.


Pivotal Tracker offers API keys for accounts to access resources through their API. You will need to provide token to allow bugwarrior to pull stories.


Pivotal Tracker account ids to specify which accounts to pull stories.


Pivotal Tracker api version to access. The options are v5 and edge. Default is v5.


Pivotal Tracker host, default is https://www.pivotaltracker.com/services.


The list of projects to exclude. If omitted, bugwarrior will use all projects the authenticated user is a member of. This must be the projects id, In your browser, navigate to the project you want to pull stories from and look at the URL, it should be something like https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/xxxxxxxx: copy the part after /b/projects/ in the pivotaltracker.exclude_projects field.


The list of stories to exclude. If omitted, bugwarrior will use all stories the authenticated user is assigned to. This must be the story id and Pivotal Tracker provides an easy way to get that id. Navigate in your browser to the story you wish to exlcude and copy the id next to ‘ID’ in the story. Do not include the #


If set, pull all stories except for stories with those tags listed.


A boolean that indicates whether to include blockers when listed in a story.


Template used to convert Pivotal Trcker story blockers to a template defined before being pushed to UDA. See Field Templates for more details regarding how templates are processed. The default value is Description: {{description}} State: {{resolved}}\n.


A boolean that indicates whether the Pivotal Tracker labels should be imported as tags in taskwarrior. (Defaults to false.)


Template used to convert Pivotal Tracker labels to taskwarrior tags. See Field Templates for more details regarding how templates are processed. The default value is {{label|replace(' ', '_')}}.


Template used to convert Pivotal Tracker story tasks to a template defined before being added as task annotations. See Field Templates for more details regarding how templates are processed. The default value is status: {{complete}} - {{description}}.


Using annotations_templates will break so do not use it.

Service Features

Exclude Certain Projects

If you happen to be working with a large number of projects, you may want to pull stories from only a subset of your projects. To do that, you can use the exclude_projects option.

For example, if you have a particularly noisy project, you can instead choose to import all stories except for the project listed using the exclude_projects configuration option.

In this example, noisy_project is the project you would not like stories created for:

pivotaltracker.exclude_projects = noisy_project
exclude_projects = ["noisy_project"]

Exclude Certain Stories

If you want bugwarrior to not track specific stories you can ignore those stories and ensure bugwarrior only tracks the stories you want. To do this, you need to set:

pivotaltracker.exclude_stories = 123456
exclude_stories = ["123456"]

For example, if you have stories #123 and #344, you do not wish to pull anymore you can add them like so:

pivotaltracker.exclude_stories = 123,344
exclude_stories = ["123", "344"]

Import Labels as Tags

Pivotal Tracker allows you to attach labels to stories; to use those labels as tags, you can use the import_labels_as_tags option:

pivotaltracker.import_labels_as_tags = True
import_labels_as_tags = true

Also, if you would like to control how these labels are created, you can specify a template used for converting the Pivotal Tracker label into a Taskwarrior tag.

For example, to prefix all incoming labels with the string pivotal_ (perhaps to differentiate them from any existing tags you might have), you could add the following configuration option:

pivotaltracker.label_template = pivotal_{{label}}
label_template = "pivotal_{{label}}"

In addition to the context variable {{label}}, you also have access to all fields on the Taskwarrior task, if needed.


See Field Templates for more details regarding how templates are processed.

Get involved stories

By default, stories from all projects assigned to user_id are tracked. To turn this off, set:

pivotaltracker.only_if_assigned = False
only_if_assigned = false

Instead of fetching stories on user_id’s assigned stories, you may instead get those that are not assigned to user_id. This includes all stories in all projects the user has access to. To pull stories, use:

pivotaltracker.also_unassigned = True
also_unassigned = true

To only pull stories where {{user_id}} is the requestor of the story, use:

pivotaltracker.only_if_author = True
only_if_author = true


Pivotal Traker provides a decent search feature in their API. If you want to write your own query, as described at https://www.pivotaltracker.com/help/articles/advanced_search/ you will need to use:

pivotaltracker.query = mywork:1234
query = "mywork:1234"


Search is limited by project and will be used in each project to determine what is pulled.

To disable the pre-defined query described above and synchronize only the issues matched by a query, set:

pivotaltracker.query = <Your customer query>
query = "<Your customer query>"


Setting a custom query will pull everything that is returned from the result. Be sure you are aware of what your query is doing before having burwarrior pull.

Story Tasks

Pivotal Tracker provides the ability to add tasks to stories. Stories pulled in by bugwarrior will create an annotation for each “subtask” provided in the story. To turn this off, in your main section set:

pivotaltracker.annotation_comments = False
annotation_comments = "False"

Also, if you would like to control how these blockers are created, you can specify a template used for converting the story blocker into a more reasonable format.

For example, the default template:

Completed: {{complete}} - {{description}}

Which will result in the following output:

Completed: False - Do a thing and get rewarded.

add the following configuration option:

pivotaltracker.annotation_template = {{description}} #{{id}} S{{complete}}
annotation_template = "{{description}} #{{id}} S{{complete}}"

In addition to the context variable listed above, you also have access to all fields on the Taskwarrior task and all fields of the blocking object as shown here https://www.pivotaltracker.com/help/api/rest/v5#Story_Tasks.

Story Blocker

Pivotal Tracker allows you assign blockers to stories and bugwarrior pulls these in by default. To disable this behavior set:

pivotaltracker.import_blockers = False
import_blockers = false

Also, if you would like to control how these blockers are created, you can specify a template used for converting the story blocker into a more reasonable format.

For example, the default template:

Description: {{description}} State: {{resolved}}\n

Which will result in the following output:

Description: You cant do this stoy yet! Resovled: False

add the following configuration option:

pivotaltracker.blocker_template = {{description}} #{{id}} S{{resolved}}
blocker_template = "{{description}} #{{id}} S{{resolved}}"

In addition to the context variable listed above, you also have access to all fields on the Taskwarrior task and all fields of the blocking object as shown here https://www.pivotaltracker.com/help/api/rest/v5#Blockers.

Provided UDA Fields

Field Name




Story Blockers

Text (string)


Story Closed

Date & Time (date)


Story Created

Date & Time (date)


Story Description

Text (string)


Story Estimate

Number (numeric)


Story ID

Number (numeric)


Story Owned By

Text (string)


Project ID

Number (numeric)


Project Name

Text (string)


Story Requested By

Text (string)


Story Type

Text (string)


Story Updated

Date & Time (date)


Story URL

Text (string)