Kanboard ======== You can import tasks from your Kanboard instance using the ``kanboard`` service name. Additional Requirements ----------------------- Install the following package using ``pip``: * ``kanboard`` Example Service --------------- Here's an example of a Kanboard project: .. config:: [my_issue_tracker] service = kanboard kanboard.url = https://kanboard.example.org kanboard.username = ralph kanboard.password = my_api_token The above example is the minimum required to import issues from Kanboard. It is recommended to use a personal API token instead of a password, which can be created on the Kanboard settings page. You can also feel free to use any of the configuration options described in `Service Features`_ below. Service Features ---------------- Specify the Query to Use for Gathering Issues +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ By default, all open issues assigned to the specified username are imported. One may use the ``query`` parameter to modify the search query. For example, to import all open issues assigned to 'frank', use the following configuration option: .. config:: :fragment: kanboard kanboard.query = status:open assignee:frank Provided UDA Fields ------------------- .. udas:: bugwarrior.services.kanboard.KanboardIssue