Git-Bug ======= You can import tasks from your Git-Bug instance using the ``gitbug`` service name. This service requires `git-bug `_ to be installed and available to bugwarrior. Example Service --------------- Here's an example of a Git-Bug target: .. config:: [my_issue_tracker] service = gitbug gitbug.path = /path/to/gitbug-repo The above example is the minimum required to import issues from Git-Bug. You can also feel free to use any of the configuration options described in :ref:`common_configuration_options` or described in `Service Features`_ below. The ``path`` should point to the location of your local Git-Bug repo. Service Features ---------------- Import Labels as Tags +++++++++++++++++++++ The Git-Bug issue tracker allows you to attach labels to bugs to use those labels as tags, you can use the ``import_labels_as_tags`` option: .. config:: :fragment: gitbug gitbug.import_labels_as_tags = True Also, if you would like to control how these labels are created, you can specify a template used for converting the Git-Bug label into a Taskwarrior tag. For example, to prefix all incoming labels with the string 'gitbug\_' (perhaps to differentiate them from any existing tags you might have), you could add the following configuration option: .. config:: :fragment: gitbug gitbug.label_template = gitbug_{{label}} In addition to the context variable ``{{label}}``, you also have access to all fields on the Taskwarrior task if needed. .. note:: See :ref:`field_templates` for more details regarding how templates are processed. Port ++++ By default, this service will spin up a git-bug instance served on port 43915. To change the port, assign: .. config:: :fragment: gitbug gitbug.port = 12345 .. note:: You'll need to assign ports if you have multiple Git-Bug targets so that bugwarrior can run the Git-Bug server instances concurrently. Provided UDA Fields ------------------- .. udas::