Automatic Updates ================= Cron ---- It's ideal to create a cron task like:: */15 * * * * /usr/bin/bugwarrior pull Bugwarrior can emit desktop notifications when it adds or completes issues to and from your local ``~/.task/`` db. If your ``bugwarriorrc`` file has notifications turned on, you'll also need to tell cron which display to use by adding the following to your crontab:: DISPLAY=:0 */15 * * * * /usr/bin/bugwarrior pull systemd timer ------------- If you would prefer to use a systemd timer to run ``bugwarrior pull`` on a schedule, you can create the following two files:: $ cat ~/.config/systemd/user/bugwarrior-pull.service [Unit] Description=bugwarrior pull [Service] Environment="DISPLAY=:0" ExecStart=/usr/bin/bugwarrior pull Type=oneshot [Install] $ cat ~/.config/systemd/user/bugwarrior-pull.timer [Unit] Description=Run bugwarrior pull hourly and on boot [Timer] OnBootSec=15min OnUnitActiveSec=1h [Install] Once those files are in place, you can start and enable the timer:: $ systemctl --user enable bugwarrior-pull.timer $ systemctl --user start bugwarrior-pull.timer